Mt. Si Winter Hike

dsc03361dsc03372dsc03374dsc03388dsc03393dsc03415 Mileage: 8 EG: 3150

I previously did this hike last April on a perfect sunny day. This time around was a little different. My friend Caitlin and I wanted to hike on New Years Day (observed). I was not going to waste a day off! We chose the close Mt. Si. Less than an hour away from Seattle, this trail sees lots of traffic in the summer, but was still decently busy when we went. There was snow starting at the bottom, but most of the trail was an ice/snow combo. With the microspikes on we cruised right up. We made it to the top with semi-socked in views. I quickly ate my corn chowder and we made our way back down. This one is a great conditioner and go to if all else fails.